League start times vary depending on league and location.
The common league time-slot is 7 – 10pm or 7 – 11:30pm.
NOTE: Free practice may start prior to league – check with league rep or staff at league location for details. It is common for free practice to start 1 hr prior to match time.
Tools to ensure league ends on time:
- Matches starting on time
- Shot clock used for slow play
- Timeouts are within time allowed
4 players play per night:
Match 1: 7 pm Match 2: 8 pm Match 3: 9 pm Match 4: 10 pm. |
5 players play per night:
Match 1: 7 pm Match 2: 8 pm Match 3&4: 9 pm Match 5: 10 pm. |
All matches have a 14 minute 59 second grace period —- grace period is not intended for regular use as it extends the entire evening for everyone involved. Once the grace period expires, there is a 1 game forfeit for the match posted. Then every 5 minutes afterwards is another 1 game forfeit. Thus if a player is running late, they could still play the match and overcome the game(s) penalty.
The 5 player per night format allows for players to arrive between 6pm and 9pm and have a table to practice before the tables are both used for matches.
The captains can alter the posting times (for either league) if both match captains agree. This option is provided to captains in case they have life issues that come up and their players need to play early and get home. It is not intended as an every week occurrence.
- Keep in mind to allot time for practice.
Only split early IF your players are all done practicing else they may wander to other league tables which interferes with the other teams practice time.
Captains will lose the option of changing posting times if they don’t manage the practice as discussed.
- Keep in mind later match times
Example: if you play a 7pm, and then two 8pm matches (ie. In place of the 9pm match) then the 10pm match is still scheduled at 10pm and cannot be forced to play it early simply because you started the other matches earlier. Meaning, you can’t split and then force the opposing players to arrive early. Some players cannot make it to league until 10pm. Again, only split tables, or play a match early, when both captains agree and it works out for all players on both teams.
A shot clock may be instituted if slow play occurs in which a match may not finish within the 1hr timeslot per player match.
Guidelines for when a shot-clock should be used:
- Any player can ask for one at any time in the match if they feel their opponent is taking to long to shoot.
- A captain should call for a shot clock to be used if half the matches are not completed within 30 minutes (ie. Not on pace to finish on time).
The shot clock is 30 seconds per shot at the maximum. Note: most turns should be much quicker than this limit. If the limit is reached, the first occasion is a ‘warning.’ The second occurrence is a foul which results in ball in hand for the opponent. You are allowed 2 extensions per game – extensions are 15 seconds.
The main point of shot clock or no shot clock is ‘continuous play’ so that the matches end on time. Meaning, if the use the shot clock and the match still took more than an hour, then they used to much of the time clock each turn and should learn to play faster overall.
If a match takes longer than the 1 hr time slot, the next match should still start on time. Use the other table for the second match. Practice will resume once the first match completes.
- Skill level 1 get 3 timeouts per game
- Skill level 2 & 3 get 2 timeouts per game
- Skill level 4 – 7 get 1 time out per game
- Skill level 8 and above get no timeouts
*Player, Captain, & Assistant captain (per website designation) can call time-outs ONLY. 1 warning per night. Else ball in hand foul to opponent.
Time-outs should be held to 2 minutes. A time clock may be used for timeouts. The clock starts the moment a player asks for the timeout. A coach should finish the conversation and leave the playing area before a player shoots their turn. If the coach has not left the table, or speaks after the 2 minutes, it is a ball in hand foul awarded to opponent. Once the time-out clock ends, the shot clock starts.
Clarity: as the rule describes, the timeout if only if a player calls it. Meaning, in between turns one doesn’t call a time-out – thus it is implied that one shouldn’t be coaching a player in between turns else this can be called out and a time-out recorded. If a player has already used their timeout, or doesn’t have one, then a ball in hand foul can be called.
Coaching is limited to time-outs only.
Nice Shot ! Keep your head up!
Anyone that tries to misuse ‘motivation’ for ‘coaching’ will be subject to the discipline policy for being unsportsmanlike. Reference: Discipline Policy
No time-outs. Performance league; no coaching of any kind.