The 2025 BCA World Championships registration ends Jan 20, 2025. For more information, please see
The 2025 BCA World Championships registration ends Jan 20, 2025. For more information, please see
Early Registration for the 2025 ACS Nationals is now open. For more information, please see
Early Registration for the 2025 ACS Nationals is now open. For more information, please see
The dates for the 2025 Georgia ACS State Championships have been confirmed. Individual Tournaments will be Saturday, March 8th, 2025, and the Team Tournaments will be held Sunday, March 16. More information will be available on the website shortly.
The dates for the 2025 Georgia ACS State Championships have been confirmed. Individual Tournaments will be Saturday, March 8th, 2025, and the Team Tournaments will be held Sunday, March 16. More information will be available on the website shortly.


Each team is expected to have enough players present at the match every week, however we do recognize that situations may occur.  Accordingly, options are provided.

  1. Pre – Play
  2. Double – Play
  3. League Alternates – only in growth phase
  4. Makeups – only with League Coordinator notification AND receipt of League Director approval PRIOR TO 5PM league night



Most players know their schedules in advance (vacations, work trips, etc.) and thus they can communicate in advance when they need to miss a week of league.  This communication leads to captains working with other captains to play a match ‘ahead of time’ which will ensure that all matches for any given week are finished on time (ie. No need for makeups).

Play-aheads can be played on any week night, however the matches should be played at the location their league resides.  Captains must notify the League Coordinator and can coordinate with each other, and the players, to play the match early and then turn in the scoresheet and money on the regularly scheduled match night.

Penalty:  None

Usage:  3 is general target – captains may agree to more or they have option to decide against more if captains decide it is a disruption to regular league flow.

On a related note, if you see that you are scheduling a lot of play-aheads and make-ups this means that your team is short players and thus you need to recruit more players.  



If the team is short a player for a match then they can play the ‘double – play’ rule.

If a team is short 2 players for a match, then 2 players may play twice.

If a team wants to play any player twice, for any strategic reason, they may.

Details of Rule:

Any player on team roster may play twice in a night.
The team chooses their own player to play twice.

Penalty:  None

Usage:  unlimited*

*However, it most likely is a sign that the captain needs to recruit more players.



During ‘growth mode,’ a player from another team may play on any other team when they are short.  Work with League Coordinator/Manager to find an alternate player.

Note:  this is only for growth leagues.  Once a league moves from growth phase to stable phase this is not an option as it can cause issues with the standings.  Example, a team’s best player doesn’t make it and they use an alternate player that is equal, then this isn’t fair to the opposing team.  All teams should have enough players on their roster to ensure if someone isn’t at league they have a backup that is equivalent  If they don’t, the captains that are better at recruiting shouldn’t have a disadvantage to the captain that doesn’t recruit as well.

Penalty:  None

Usage:  unlimited*

*However, it most likely is a sign that the captain needs to recruit more players.



Makeups are to be used only in an emergency situation.  An emergency would be league wide and not team specific.  Makeups require Director approval in advance.  The other team needs time to be notified prior to beginning travel for that evening.

Examples of reasons for a league wide makeup situation:

Tropical storm in 2017 where the entire league night was canceled.

Tropical storm in 2022 which impact some travel areas but not all – league was scheduled but some couldn’t make it.

Another league wide impact is the BCA or ACS National tournaments or Sponsored Tournaments – example Midwest tourney, Puerto Rico tourney

Approved makeups should be completed within 3 weeks of the original scheduled match day in most scenarios, however the director will communicate the duration based on the situation.


Exception to Rule:


A new league can do makeups as the league is new and growing.  Everyone is league is notified that the growth phase is good for everyone to increase payouts and player match variety.  Captains will communicate in advance – most times / when possible – when they will be short so the other team can adjust accordingly and not send players that won’t be playing.  By the 2nd season a league should be ready to follow normal rules and not need makeups.  If not ready by season 2, another season may be granted.

Additionally, when an existing league moves up a player per match(ie. from 4 to 5 per team per night) they can do makeups the season this occurs.  Again, Captains should communicate in advance to other captain when short a player.  Again, by 2nd season they should be ready to resume league without makeups.


A team may have a unique circumstance that results in roster being short.  This unique circumstance should be communicated to league director for consideration.  Example, a player in hospital unexpectedly or a player’s work schedule changed without notice.  A short window of time may be granted to recruit new players to replace unique situation.  If a captain or team cannot recruit then the makeup period will not be extended.

The goal is to have captains and teams that can recruit and manage lineups so that the matches are played and the overall experience for both teams is smooth.  Anything counter to this experience is not good for the league as players travel to league to play matches – player satisfaction is key to long term success.  Captains must be able to recruit and keep a full roster each week.  Again, unique experiences are the exception.  Most weeks the policy should be followed.  Reminder – raise player awareness to ‘let me know ahead when you travel so we can do a play-ahead.’

Reference:  Expectations of a Captain




A forfeit should be avoided at all costs.   Forfeits should be a last case scenario, one that no one really wants as we really joined pool league to play matches not receive forfeits.

However, if a play-ahead wasn’t planned, a team doesn’t use double play option, or an makeup wasn’t completed, then a forfeit may awarded.  Director approval only.  If applicable, the forfeit is awarded to the team that had a player present at the match night but the opponent didn’t show or a player present refused to play twice.  All player fees have to be paid; else no forfeit points are awarded.  A team not paying a forfeit will receive a $15 team administration charge per match forfeited.

Reference:  Expectations of a Captain

Reference:    Dues and Fees





If the total team skill level results in the team going over the team posting cap then there is an additional penalty of 3 points for ‘over the cap’ and 1 point for every posting point over cap up to 4 skill level points over cap.  If a team over posts by 5 points or higher, the penalty is 6 points and 1 point over the cap – this is designed to avoid a team bringing all high level players to a match.  See BALANCED ROSTER topic in rulebook.


A 1 skill level was in lineup and called off last minute.  (The 5 players total, with the 1 skill level included, equals team cap.)
The team has a 3 skill player that can play twice.  That would put them over the team cap by 2 points.


Exceeding Cap Penalty:  3 points

Points Over Cap Penalty:  2


Note:  this is a team penalty and thus has no impact on the player race or individual match score.

This cap penalty is to ensure teams have rosters that are FAIR compared to other teams in league.



Double Play Penalty:

Player between 3.0 and 3.99 – penalty is 1 game

Player between 4.0 and 4.99 – penalty is 2 games

Player between 5.0 and 5.00 – penalty is 3 games

Player between 6.0 and 6.99 – penalty is 4 games

Note1:  range above is referencing the ‘all-time’ performance # for a player.

Note2:  this is team penalty and thus has no impact on the player race or final score.

Usage:  unlimited (unless is causes a disruption to regular league flow)